How Does Tretinoin Work?

One interesting aspect of tretinoin is that scientific researchers aren’t completely aware of how it prevents acne, only that it does. Tretinoin works by affecting the production of skin oils, although the exact process by which the medica…

How it Works, Uses, Side Effects & More

Available as a topical cream, gel or liquid, tretinoin is a retinoid medication that’s widely used to treat acne and reverse many of the visual signs of aging. retinoids for acne is also commonly known as ATRA, or all-transretinoic acid. T…

How to Get the Most Out of Tretinoin

As with most skincare products, there are instructions on how to use them correctly to see optimal results. With topical retinoids for acne, patients should always apply it to their skin before bed instead of during the day. Also, it is im…


Are you dealing with unwanted skin conditions such as acne or rosacea and have had no luck with treatment options? If this is this case, tretinoin may be the answer. This medication is known to do wonders for the skin, and even provide ant…